Save The Date
January, 13th - 15th 2023
Joglosemar is an annual event held by AMSA-Indonesia district 4. Its aim is to create further sense of belonging for AMSA-UGM, AMSA-UNS, AMSA-Undip, and AMSA-UPR. Every year the hosting university of Joglosemar changes annually. This year Joglosemar is hosted by AMSA-Undip. Each AMSA-universities in District 4 are obliged to send delegates to attend Joglosemar.
This year's Joglosemar theme is SAUDADE (Saving the soul with gratitude). The theme is about mental health under the subtopic of self harm. The main reason we chose this theme is because we believed in our everyday life we may have faced mental barriers before and we need to have a sustainable coping mechanism for it. Joglosemar 2023 will be held offline on January 13-15 2023 and will be attended by 60 Delegates from 4 Universities